UX Design Project

When I see my 6 year old in love with her storybooks, trivia books or even books that give her inspiration by teaching her about great personalities, I felt every kid deserves to tell each other stories that would spark their imagination, encourage each other and build confidence in opening up about how they feel , what they feel and what they can do together to do great things.

READ.LAUGH.INSPIRE Book Club application will give elementary students a platform to interact, take ownership, shape their personality and give them public speaking confidence.

Problem Definition

There are no online book clubs that cater to all age groups within the elementary school level. None with the podcasts. There is only 1 other online podcast book club which only is specific to the high schoolers. It also does not provide decision making opportunity for children for example; in choosing a Topic of choice, deciding meeting dates etc. which I feel are important qualities in shaping a child's personality.

I wanted to create a web application which will allow children to take that ownership as a host of the book club for their respective month, feel important, get creative, enhance their public speaking skills (via podcasts) but most of all boost their self-confidence.

User Research

I created an online google form survey to research about what kind of books interests children. The survey also allowed me to learn about different personalities as I questioned about their social gathering preferences, how they feel about hosting an meeting and also how they felt about listening to themselves speak.
Results were conclusive that the kids loved reading , and 95% enjoyed being a host and 85% loved the idea of reading as a group , only 54% actually wanted to join the club.

26 Children took the survey.

Reader Personas

The survey helped me understand children's perspective of participating in a book club. But creating personas required meeting with the children and knowing more about their likes and dislikes. These personas were created for different age groups of children based on their level & love of reading and hobbies.

Heuristics Evaluation

I evaluated 3 competitor websites as part of my research. The competitor websites were evaluated for following 3 chosen heuristics :-
- Aesthetic & Minimalistic Design
- Recognition rather than call
- Match between the system & the real world.

Sitemaps And User flows


User Flows

Sketch & Wireframes

Color Palette
